Partners of all Ages Reading About Diet and Exercise (PARADE)

PARADE tested the impact of a child-focused energy balance intervention using computer-tailored storybooks targeting child’s diet and activity patterns through the OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring Program and Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri.
Project Staff
Principal Investigator: Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD
Co-Investigators: Ross Brownson, PhD; Matthew Kreuter, PhD, MPH; Deborah Loman, PhD, RN, CRNP
Project Staff: Steve Bacak; Paula Ballew; Sarah Barlow, MD; Nicki Caito, MPH, MS, RD; Cynthia Davey; Michael Elliott; Joanne Harrell, PhD, RN; Kimberly Hessler, MS,RD; Cheryl Houston, MS,RD; Brandye Mazdra, Christina Mushi-Brunt, PhD; MPH; Susie Nanney, PhD, MPH, RD
External Collaborators: Marlyn Mann, Pat Gilbert, Jan Clover (Oasis); Victoria Nelson, Andriette Fields (Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri)
Graduate Research Assistants: Julie Bender, Cheryl Kelly
Project Partners
OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring Program; Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri; Saint Louis University Nursing Group
Project Dates: 2001-2006
Funding Source
National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research and American Cancer Society
Haire-Joshu, D., Nanney, M.S., Elliott, M., Davey, C., Caito, N., Loman, D., Brownson, R.C., Kreuter, M.K. The Use of Mentoring Programs to Improve Energy Balance Behaviors in High-risk Children. 2010. Obesity 18(1) S75-83
Mushi-Brunt, C., Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M. Food Spending Behaviors and perceptions are associated with fruit and vegetable intake among parents and their preadolescent children. 2007. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 39(1):26-30
Mushi-Brunt, C., Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M., Brownson, R.C. Fruit and vegetable intake and obesity in preadolescent children. 2007. American journal of health education 38(5): 258-265
Nanney, M.S., Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M., Hessler, K., Brownson, R.C. Evaluating changeability to improve fruit and vegetable intake among school aged children. 2005. Nutrition Journal 21;4:34
Bender J.M., Brownson R.C., Elliott M.B., Haire-Joshu D. Children’s physical activity: using accelerometers to validate a parent proxy record. 2005. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 37(8):1409-13.
Nanney, M.S., Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M. Child participation in snack and meal preparation positively affects preference for fruits and vegetables. CDC (2005)
Mazdra, B. Linking health and Literacy Development: A Pilot study of researchers, tutors and schools as partners. (2005)
Haire-Joshu, D., Brownson, R.C, Loman, D., Mazdra, B., Elliott, M. Is Parental Modeling of Positive Fruit and Vegetable Patterns Associated with Intake and Weight of African American Children. Society of Behavioral Medicine (2003)
Nanney, M.S., Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M., Hessler, K., Kelly, C., Brownson, R.C. An Empirical Approach to Specify a Powerhouse Vegetables and Fruit Intervention for Underserved School Aged Children. Society of Behavioral Medicine (2003)
Mazdra, B. Obesity in African Americans: The Role of Diet and Activity as Health Priorities. (2003)