High 5 for kids

High 5 for Preschool Kids program tested the effectiveness of a home based intervention delivered through Parents as Teachers using storybooks targeting fruit and vegetable intake.
Project Staff
Principal Investigator: Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD
Co-Investigators: Elizabeth Baker, PhD; Ross Brownson, PhD; Matthew Kreuter, PhD, MPH; Debra Loman, PhD, RN; Kenneth Schechtman, PhD
Project Staff: Steve Bacak, Paula Ballew; Nicki Caito, MPH, MS, RD; Mike Elliott, PhD; ; Amanda Harrod, MPH; Kimberly Hessler, MS,RD; Christina Mushi-Brunt, PhD; MPH; Susie Nanney, PhD, MPH, RD; Karen Steger-May, MS
External Collaborators: Margaret Albrecht, Jennifer Brummer, Karen Guskin, Nancy, Hale, Jane Kostelc, June Moore, Jan Watson, Tina Watson (Parents as Teachers)
Graduate Research Assistants: Holly Bante, Cheryl Kelly, An Huynh, Rebecca Schermbeck, Cindy (Linneman) Schwarz
Project Partners
Parents as Teachers; Scott City R-1 Schools; Cape Girardeau Public Schools; New Bloomfield R-III School District; Portageville School District; Caruthersville School District; Malden R-1 Schools; Charleston R-I School District; Pemiscot County School District; East Prairie R-II; New Madrid County R-I; Sikeston R-6 School District; Kennett School District; Poplar Bluff School District; Dexter R-XI School District; Puxico R-8 School District; Richland R-IV School District
Project Dates: 2001-2006
Funding Source
National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institutes
Haire-Joshu, D., Elliott, M., Caito, N., Hessler, K., Nanney, M.S., Hale, N., Boehmer, T., Kreuter, M., Brownson, R.C. High 5 for Kids: the impact of a home visiting program on fruit and vegetable intake of parents and their preschool child. 2008. Prevention Medicine 47(1):77-82
Bante, H., Elliott, M., Harrod, A., Haire-Joshu, D. The use of inappropriate feeding practices by rural parents and their effect on preschoolers’ fruit and vegetable preferences and intake. 2008 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 40(1):28-33
Nanney MS, Schermbeck R, Haire-Joshu D. Examination of the adherence to the “5 A Day the Color Way” campaign among parents and their preschool children. 2007. J Cancer Educ. 22:177–180
Nanney MS, Johnson S, Elliott M, Haire-Joshu D. Frequency of eating homegrown produce is associated with higher intake among parents and their preschool-aged children in rural Missouri. 2007. J Am Diet Assoc. 107:577–584
Linneman C, Hessler K, Nanney S, Steger-May K, Huynh A, Haire-Joshu D. Parents are accurate reporters of their preschoolers’ fruit and vegetable consumption under limited conditions. 2004. J Nutr Educ Behav 36:305–308
Kelly CM, Baker EA, Williams D, Nanney MS, Haire-Joshu D. Organizational capacity’s effects on the delivery and outcomes of health education programs. 2004. J Public Health Manag Pract. 10(2):164-70
Nanney MS, Haire-Joshu D, Hessler K, Brownson RC. Rationale for a consistent “powerhouse” approach to vegetable and fruit messages. 2004 J Am Diet Assoc. 104(3):352-6
Haire-Joshu D, Nanney MS. Prevention of overweight and obesity in children: Influences on the food environment. 2002 The Diabetes Educator 28(3):415-422
Schermbeck, R., Nanney, M.S., Harrod, A., Elliott, M., Haire-Joshu, D. Factors to eating a colorful fruit and vegetable diet in rural Missouri. Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition (2006)
Hale, N. Schermbeck, R. Altering Dietary Patterns in Preschool Children. Presented at the MHF Obesity Summit (2005) and the Parents as Teachers Conference (2006)
Bante, H., Hessler, K., Harrod, A., Elliott, M., Haire-Joshu, D. Combating coercive feeding: High 5 for kids observes fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to common parenting strategies. Presented at the American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting (2005)
Harrod, A., Hessler, K., Elliott, M., Haire-Joshu, D. Fruit and vegetable availability and consumption among rural parents who frequently eat away from home. Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington, D.C. (November, 2004)
Hessler, K., Elliott, M., Nanney, M.S., Haire-Joshu, D. Keep trying: multiple phone attempts are necessary for young, rural parents in community-based studies. Presented at the National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Washington, D.C. (February, 2004)
Hale, N., Hessler, K., Huynh, A. Improving the health of rural families with preschool children. Presented at the Born to Learn Annual Parents as Teachers Conference (2003)
Linneman, C. Parents are accurate reporters of their children’s fruit and vegetable consumption. Presented at the National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, St. Louis, MO (2002)
Gardens grow kids’ desire for veggies and fruit
By Saint Louis University Medical Group, April 18, 2007